Dear Granny,
In a few weeks your birthday and mine will be here, another year gone. You would have been 83 this year and I will be 37. Hard to believe that you are no longer here but I am fully aware that you are in a better place free from any pain you suffered from.
There are a few things that I wanted to let you know, I wish I had done it sooner before you passed away but you wouldn't have known any way.
I just wanted to thank you for all the times that you had Sunday dinners at your house, I remember those fondly and speak about them often. Those Sundays were some of the best memories that I had and continue to have. I remember how you would cook fried chicken (fresh, nothing from the store) and your homemade rice and gravy with biscuits and corn and stewed tomatoes, my mouth waters at the thought. Oh and I almost forgot the banana pudding and last but not least the homemade ice cream. I remember how you invited everyone over, my other granny too. We had such a good time.
I remember you had the best lap. I used to love to sit on your lap even when I was far too big and just hold you hands and look at your red polish on your nails. I remember the blue polyester dress that you loved wearing and your cat eye glasses. I remember the jewelry you used to wear. I used to love to sit and look at your jewelry in the Avon box that was filled with costume pieces that I admired for years.
I remember thinking it was special to use tv trays and eat dinner with Papa Hare and Pa Baker in the living room at your house. I loved picking flowers with you and working in the garden with you. Feeding the chickens was great too and gathering eggs.
I remember when I had Brittany you helped me with nursing her because you had nursed all your babies.
I remember you coming to the salon where I worked and you swept hair off the floor while sitting in your wheel chair. You told me that day that you had always wanted to work in a salon.
I remember coming to visit you at the nursing home and you would be so busy that you would have to go play BINGO with all your friends.
One thing I know I never said to you was that when I was having a rough time I know that you prayed for me, hard and on your knees. I know you did and I sincerely thank you for that. In most cases, somebody needed to be and you always did. You prayed for everybody.
I don't know if you heard me on the day that I was getting you ready for your last showing, your funeral visitation, because I am unsure how that works. I was fortunate enough to get to visit with you as I did Granny Craft. I was able to spend the last hour with you alone and just talk to you like I used to, to get closure and visit with you just one last time. When I was putting on your makeup, the way I remember your wearing it, I realized that your lips were so thin. I painted them on for you, pink the way you liked them. I polished your nails, pink of course, you know you always said that an old barn looks better with a coat of paint. I gave you yours. You were so pretty. What amazed me the most on that day was that I actually look like you. I always knew you much rounder that you were that day. You had thinned so much, I could see your facial structure and it looked very much like what I see in my mirror.
I feel pretty special, not only did I get to share your birthday for 36 years, I got to look like you too.
I miss you and love you very much. I am the lucky one to have gotten to spend the time with you. I was fortunate to have you as my granny.
I will always love you.
Your Granddaughter,